Pastor (Dr.) Durojaye Ojetayo
Center Disciplinary Committee Chairman
I came to know Christ as my personal Savior and Lord in a Campus Outreach program at the Polytechnic Ibadan, Nigeria in October 1974. Soon after, in 1975, after leaving School, I prayerfully joined this Church “The Gospel Faith Mission International” where I have continued to be blessed and have served since then. I am a bivocational minister, serving the Lord as a Physical Therapist in the market place. I have been married to my prayerful and loving wife for close to 4 decades and we are blessed with two boys (now men), five grand sons and a grand daughter. We all quietly serve the Lord in our different domains. Currently, I serve as the resident pastor of the New York Victory House Assembly of the Gospel Faith Mission International. I long to see men and women, boys and girls and also children imparted with the truth of the Word of God which is able to make all free.