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28th Annual Convention Welcome Address

Series: GOFAMINT NA 28th Annual Convention


Blessed be the glory of the Lord from GOFAMINT North America to the ends of the earth. The Lord in the midst of us is Mighty. Hallelujah! Welcome to GOFAMINT 2019-The Convention of Recapturing Our Prophetic Zeal-LOVE.

Love is more than a display of emotions; it is the umpire of kingdom life. It is the hanger that holds everything together. This is going to be a prophetic convention that will bring us to the center of God's agenda for His church. The prophetic realm is real, and everyone that comes will go back with the understanding of the prophetic, recapture our prophetic zeal, experience the glory and go back revived and on fire for the Lord.

In this convention, we would allow the Word (Scriptures) to speak directly to us. So, we would be doing "Word-Shout" on the Epistle of Love (1 John1-5) and 1 Cor. 13 together. As we do the word-shout, there shall be healing of hurts and the release of divine grace to align our hearts to the divine standard.

In this convention, we have dedicated the early morning sessions to the understanding of the prophetic to capture God's mind and to access his will for our lives and ministry. We are here to be weaned from the realm of men to begin to ow in the unforced rhythm of His Grace.

In this convention, we have dedicated the plenary teachings to make a proper diagnosis of the body and attend to the divine indictment against us, ".. .I have this against you, that you have left your first love. Therefore remember from where you have fallen, and repent and do the deeds you did at first; or else I am coming to you and will remove your lampstand out of its place-unless you repent." We would repent!

In this convention, we have dedicated the evening session to basking in His glory and to sharpening our discernment to be insulated against the signs of the perilous hour, preparing ourselves for His coming as a bride without spot and wrinkle. In this glory cloud, anything in righteousness could happen, and that suddenly! Get ready!

In this convention, we have dedicated the afternoon sessions, particularly on Friday to praying all manner of prayers on all manner of issues, trusting God for supernatural answers for supernatural satisfaction.

In this convention, we shall conclude with anointing service, and everyone shall be anointed as commanded. Things shall never be the same for us as individuals and as a corporate body if we believe.

God has chosen his anointed vessels to be used for our blessing. So, it is imperative for you to attend every session (morning, afternoon and evening) punctually, listen to every word with an open heart, pray every prayer with passion, and obey every instruction faithfully. Expect unusual things in righteousness to happen to you. As we have received, we shall all go back to our destinations after the convention under the constraining power of God's love.


Speaker: Sunday Adu

July 17, 2019

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