“You have made him to have dominion over the works of Your hands; You have put all things under his feet” (Psalm 8:6)
• This month is declared unto you as your season of total dominion.
• From now, your life, family, business, career and ministry is established in supernatural dominion.
• Sin shall no longer have dominion over you.
• You’re rising from every form of defeat into a new era of total dominion.
• You will no longer be stranded in the journey of life.
• You can no longer be defeated, for you are more than conquerors.
• From today you become invincible. All your enemies are coming under your feet.
• No more demonic frustration, intimidation and oppression for you and your family.
• Your career, marital, financial and ministry struggles are hereby terminated.
• The stronghold of sickness and diseases is broken over you and your family.
• Every incurable disease in your body is hereby destroyed from the root.
• Everything challenging your dominion on earth bows to the authority you have as a believer in Christ.
• Your financial dominion is established in the marketplace.
• Your dominion over accident and death is hereby activated.
• No arrows of the wicked will prosper against you and your family.
• You will tread on scorpion and serpents, nothing shall by any means hurt you and your household the remaining days of this year and beyond.
• Your season of unexplainable and undeniable victory is here.
• You will go from victory to victory and from strength to strength.
• All that the enemies have stolen from you are hereby restored.
• Whatever is opposing your total dominion is hereby rooted out of your life.
• Nothing will cut your life short.
• Your heritage of long life is unstoppable.
• Fresh oil for total dominion rests on your life and ministry from today.
• You’re established in dominion to declare the goodness of God, all the days of your life.
• Welcome to a no defeat, failure- proof realm of life.
• You will surely end this year on a note of great joy and unstoppable jubilations.
• From now, all assemblies of GOFAMINT, world wide will experience a new season of supernatural dominion that will result in unusual harvest of souls and undeniable testimonies.
• So shall this month be better for you, your household and the entire Gospel Faith Mission International because our season of total dominion is here