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September - Our Month of Increased Greatness

by Pastor (Dr.) Elijah O. Abina on September 01, 2023


You shall increase my greatness, and comfort me on every side.(Ps 71:21)


  • This month is your season of increased
  • Your testimonies of Rehoboth shall be
  • From this hour, your status is changing for glory, your better and greater days are here.
  • From this month, you have entered into the progressive and productive season of your life.
  • There shall be no better last year in your
  • It shall be from glory to glory, victory to victory and strength to strength for you and your household.
  • The level you are now shall be the least you will ever
  • You shall increase in wisdom, knowledge and
  • You shall increase in favor
  • Your honor shall be greatly
  • Your greatness shall know no
  • No more retrogression or backwardness in your life and
  • The days of wandering, struggles and uncertainties are over in your life, this very hour.
  • From now, you’re going up and up, increasing and abounding in God’s
  • Your coming in and out shall be greatly
  • Higher and higher, you shall go; greater and greater, you shall
  • Your seeds shall be mighty on the
  • The Lord will increase you more and more, you and your
  • Your life shall be more and more of God’s glory and His
  • It shall be unstoppable upward movement for you in your career, ministry, business and academics.
  • The God who lifted Joseph from the prison and established him on the throne, shall visit you and your household, this month.
  • All across GOFAMINT worldwide, unprecedented and unusual promotion shall be the testimonies from this day forward.
  • So shall this month be better for you, your household and the entire Gospel Faith Mission International, because unstoppable and ever increasing greatness shall be our experience in Jesus mighty name.


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